Dream Bigger

My why for dreaming bigger. I have seen humans telling others that they can’t do this or that. Don’t let anyone determine your destination. Always believe that you desire it. You can make your dreams become real. There is so much more to existence. This where I am now just could not be it all. I have tried to comply with the way of life. If you go to school from the day you are born until the day you die, you will have a better life. But this enslaved me and I was so uncomfortable with these ways. I keep telling myself there must be a better way.

Knowing me I was always seeking a better way none stopping. I couldn’t find comfort in the way life was. Don’t get me wrong. In case you are comfortable where you are, that is ok. Nothing wrong with you or that is there, something wrong with what you are comfortable with. knowing I was the one that had something wrong with me. I have become so uncomfortable wherein I changed into the person I needed to become. I was feeling uncomfortable because I knew I deserved better.

Believe in yourself and Dream Bigger There is so much more to see and become.

Whatever your whys are you can accomplish them, all you have to do is believe in that gut feeling. You might not understand it, but it will bring you to the place where you are to be, don’t give up. Sometimes you will be your only cheerleader but keep cheering yourself to go on. You will get there.

I have tried many different things to understand what I need to know how to do them, and how to really Dream Bigger.

dream bigger. A pitch of others helping others to get to the top

trying many ways to get myself out of everything I was taught to get money. I was not taught how to create wealth and not knowing where to turn or whom to go to, to learn how to create wealth. But a wise man says if you seek you shall find. I have seen for years, that sometimes I do feel like giving up, but myself wouldn’t allow me to, it was not easy, there was a lot of pot hold on the road I was traveling on, and some were dipper than others but that Little feelings inside of me keep my going. Because I couldn’t bring myself that, this was all life had to offer.

knowing I was born to soar to the highest level

My personality is to help others. I was born to help. My dream is to help the homeless, feed them, clothe them, and even help to shelter them. Now that I know what I want to do, I know I just can’t stay scratching on the surface, I need to go deeper, I need to start to bring in great wealth, So I will be able to help others and be at home more with my family. I NEED TO BE FREE.

My relative told me I was a dreamer. I told them, yes but this dream will come to life one day and they will live to see it all. Understanding I ought to do something out of the container. Started to gain a little more knowledge about how to gain what I needed to get to where I was going.

I know I want to be a stay-at-home mom and work from home, doing my own business. I recognize I will want to know the way to create wealth. Knowing I can’t do it by myself, I am going to need help. In my search, I came across RRR247, didn’t jump at it at first but I just couldn’t get it out of my mind. When I migrated to the state, the first thing I did was look back for that site. You see dreaming and believing in them, will make room for you. I went on a business call one day and I heard the word residual income and the light bulb went off.

Know what you want and seek how to get it. God is your strength.

Ever since I know I want to work from home and realize I need to be making residual income. Knowing I needed to find the best site to do so was really a challenge. I prayed and went back to looking. Have tried a few other businesses but they didn’t work. I just know that those weren’t the ones. The issue approximately them is that they did not click. This find allows me to share with others how to do the same thing I do. I told you about seeking, I have found the business of my life.

community resources

My why then, was how to get out of the system that people created. And teach my mind to think bigger and how to get where I need to go

I have accomplished that part of my life. Now I am on another chapter of my why. With this awesome online blogger business, I am getting myself ready to soar by helping others to do the same thing.

Dreams were made to accomplish, no matter how great they are, or who doesn’t believe in you? Just believe in God and yourself and your outreach will be reachable.

People in your surroundings may not be the place to help you. To get your big dreams to come to life

Go to school and do the things that I was told to do, and I have become more in death than I ever was. Was alive but yet I feel like I wasn’t going anywhere. I was crying out for help but no one could hear me. I have become very with drowning by people because no one could understand me. Everyone taught me I was losing it. I needed to give birth to something big, and my surroundings could get it. Don’t blame them because now I realize they weren’t at the place.

Reset, Restart Recommit. Never give up and you will get there, some way and somehow.

I remember the day he finally said hey to her, it took him about 20 times up and down the floor before he could just say. After he did, I asked him what I liked.

He told me. It was like his heart was coming through his mouth, but when he finally say hey it wasn’t that bad. He has built up so much negative mind, and it cripples him for so many months, simply to mention him to a female. If he believed in himself.

He wouldn’t lose so many times. Not sure if he gets the girl but he got to say hey. We all have dreams some are bigger than others. But we have to believe that they are able to come through. Do you don’t forget while you have been a child? We can be faceful and do anything that we set our mind to. You set your mind to. Yes, you’re nevertheless that equal individual. I know life gets to all of us at times. but you can stop all those negative things that happen and still happening. Remember it’s never too late.

We can do all matters through God who has strengthened us. You have my back and I have yours, together we can make.

We all have different things happening in our life, with our bodies, thoughts, moods, etc. Never allow it to stop you

A great way to peer how this could affect you is to try it. I might cross and get a box, and you can thank me later. Get a box right here! Get a box here!

What is Fear? Fear is a disease that eats away your strength and num you from going forward

It will literally cripple you. It starts from the mind and then goes right down to your limbs and allows you to act or behave silly. This is a true story. I know this young man, he liked this girl so badly but he was so afraid to approach her.

I believe that he literally became a starker and did not even realize he was. He would go by her workplace every day for months and could not find the courage to say hey. I am not sure if he ever found the courage to say hi, but what a waste if he didn’t. He would live his life with regrets, and this is the reason I have told myself, that no matter how difficult it seems, I am going to do it because it will get easier. Believe in yourself. Don’t quit. I have learned from a wise guru the three R, R, Rs.

Thank you. here is a gift that will help to unfold your life, Here